Unterschiede & Gemeinsamkeiten von TicketBAI im Baskenland
In the Basque Country in Spain, a compliance law - called TicketBAI (Basque for 'Ticket YES') - was passed to prevent tax fraud. Each Basque Province - Gipuzkoa, Araba, and Bizkaia - has established specific software requirements for TicketBAI. In this article, we list the similarities and differences between the provinces.
What applies in all provinces?
All invoicing systems have to be compliant with TicketBAI. This means the billing or POS systems must be equipped with software that:
- is registered in the Provincial Software Registration List.
- chains the invoices so that their trace can be verified in a sequence, preventing manipulation, alteration, or deletion.
- creates XML files for each transaction, signs them with a valid digital certificate, and sends them to the corresponding Tax Authority.
- stores all the XML files during the established period of time.
- generates a QR code and an Identification code which must be printed on the invoice.
What are the differences between the provinces?
The differences in compliance with TicketBAI in each Basque province are as follows:
- Each province has its own Tax Authority to send the files to, depending on where the taxpayer is registered.
- The content of the XML file may differ slightly between the provinces.
- In Bizkaia, TicketBAI is part of a more comprehensive strategy called Batuz.
- There are differences between the provinces regarding TicketBAI replacing the SII system or not.
- Implementation deadlines differ.