Technical specifications for cloud fiscalization in Italy published

Stefania Palumbo, Marketing & PR Manager Italy
Stefania Palumbo
Marketing & PR Manager Italy
3 min read

Italy has just taken a decisive step toward certified cloud fiscalization, and we have some news that might make your day!

Breaking News: Italy officially begins the transition to cloud fiscalization. Say goodbye to RTs!

Italy takes the final formal step toward certified cloud fiscalization with the publication of Prot. n. 111204/2025 on March 7 by the Italian Tax Agency. RT devices will soon become a thing of the past: the newly released technical specifications on corrispettivi telematici through software provide all the necessary details to kick-start the transition to a cloud-based fiscalization system—without the need for hardware!

Italy’s new Budget Law was officially approved on December 30, and now the long-awaited technical specifications for cloud fiscalization, introduced by the legislative decree of January 2024, have finally been published. Currently, fiscalization in Italy is mandatory through fiscal printers (RT devices), but starting in 2026, cloud fiscalization will be fully available for market adoption.

This launch represents a transformative moment for Italy's fiscal landscape, complementing existing hardware systems with a dynamic, software and cloud-powered model. This transition will significantly reduce operational costs for businesses, enhance scalability, and streamline compliance processes.

For international POS vendors or companies aiming to enter the Italian market, this is the perfect opportunity to offer cloud-based fiscalization solutions without the complexities of hardware installations. At fiskaly, we are experts in this field and ready to support you as you navigate the new regulatory landscape.

SIGN IT by fiskaly

You can stay ahead of the curve with our upcoming SIGN IT solution, fully compliant with the new cloud fiscalization specifications. While we finalize it (we can continue now that the technical specifications are officially set 🎉), we offer SIGN IT Lite, a simplified cloud-based solution that lets businesses begin their cloud compliance journey today.

SIGN IT Lite automates the transmission of fiscal transaction data, by connecting POS systems to the Italian Tax Agency's (AdE) web portal. It eliminates the need for expensive hardware and streamlines the process. It’s an easy-to-implement solution that ensures compliance now while preparing you for the full cloud solution in 2026.

Interested in learning more? Reach out to our team and start preparing for a seamless transition to cloud fiscalization in Italy.

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