Why SIGN DE by fiskaly.
100% in the cloud, without any hardware. That is our demand for our services.
SIGN DE is the market-leading cloud TSS in Germany with the maximum BSI certification period.
Test for free
Get to know our system and convince yourself of SIGN DE before you sign a contract.
Seamless integration
All fiskaly services are API-first and can be seamlessly integrated with other solutions.
For all industries
Whether retail, gastronomy, or crafts: fiskaly SIGN DE is suitable for all POS systems in all industries.
Fully certified
We provide all certificates you need for the compliant operation of fiskaly SIGN DE.
over400kDaily exports
more than17 TBSignature data
over600kPOS operated
KassenSichV & Cloud-TSS: A Guide for Your POS Systems
Gain valuable insights into KassenSichV and the benefits of Cloud-TSS.
- Background knowledge on KassenSichV and Technical Security System (TSS).
- Learn how our Cloud-TSS ensures compliance for your POS systems.
SIGN DE highlights
All blog posts

speedy: How fiskaly's cloud solution replaced hardware TSS
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- Over 800 companies trust our fiscalization solutions. We've got you covered!